Don't be afraid of jobs you're not totally qualified or comfortable with. I didn't know anything about digital marketing, but those skills I could learn. My soft skills of writing and storytelling are harder to pick up.
When did you graduate from BYU?
What is your job/position? And how would you describe what you do in that job/position?
Marketing Associate Editor at Exos - managing freelance copywriters, assisting with social media content, carrying out content marketing plans
Describe the path that you took from your BYU English degree to your current career, highlighting the important realizations and turning points that paved the path for you.
Followed freelance writing into a full-time marketing role.
What are the specific skills that you cultivated as an English major that you now use in your professional life? And how do you use those skills in ways that set you apart from your colleagues?
Lots of writing under tight deadlines. Giving feedback on other’s writing. And storytelling is essential in good marketing campaigns
What are some of the surprising ways in which your English degree has helped you in your life?
Writing nice corporate emails when I’m annoyed
What do you wish you had known as an English major? Is there any advice you'd like to share with current students?
Just that marketing was a direction I could go in. Practice writing in different styles and tones. Lots of marketing is ghostwriting or voicing your company, so you can’t always write exactly like you. And don’t be afraid for jobs that you’re not totally qualified or comfortable with. I didn’t know anything about digital marketing, but those skills I could learn. My soft skills of writing and storytelling are harder to pick up.