What Works in Grammar Instruction
What Works in Grammar Instruction
Published by the National Council of Teachers of English
As most teachers of English now know, research shows that teaching grammar in the traditional way―through worksheets, memorizing definitions, and diagramming sentences―doesn’t work, and that teaching grammar in the context of reading and writing is a better approach. In this friendly and practical book, veteran teacher educator Deborah Dean provides vignettes of classroom conversations to show what teaching in context can look like in action; supplements the vignettes with descriptions of classroom practices to help teachers try out the ideas with their own students; and addresses issues such as helping English language learners and native speakers navigate formal, academic English, especially in the context of testing. Dean’s straightforward approach uncomplicates the task of teaching grammar in context, allowing her―and us―to share the excitement and wonder to be found in the study of language. Grades 9–12.
Review by Amber Jensen
View Amber's presentation from the book lunch here.