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English Teaching

Does your love for literature, writing, and language motivate you to follow Wordsworth’s aspiration, “What we have loved, others will love, and we will teach them how”? Prepare to teach what you love in high school, junior high, or middle school. You will take core British and American literature courses that introduce you to some of the greatest literature in the English language. In these courses, you will polish your reading and thinking skills and gain an appreciation of the vitality of the human spirit as it’s expressed in various literary forms.

You will also take both departmental and McKay School of Education courses to prepare to use technology in the classroom, understand the complexities of teaching students with disabilities, and learn the value of multiculturalism and diversity of today’s adolescents. Your final courses in the major focus on how to teach literature, writing, and language to secondary students. After completing a full-time field experience, you will earn a secondary teaching license from the state of Utah.

In addition to core English courses, English Teaching majors must take the following courses that focus on how to teach English language arts to secondary school students.

  • ENGL 276: Exploration of Teaching. Ideally taken as a sophomore, this first-block introduces you to the true nature of teaching English. In addition to readings and discussions, you will spend 12-15 hours per week in a secondary school observing and assisting a full-time teacher.
  • ENGL 329: Teaching Grammar and Usage in Secondary Schools. Improve your own understanding and appreciation of English grammar and usage in preparation to effectively help secondary students learn and apply those same skills.
  • ENGL 378: Teaching Literature and Reading in Secondary Schools. Learn theories and teaching strategies that will help you effectively teach literature and reading.
  • ENGL 423: Teaching Composition in Secondary Schools: Become a better writer while also learning how to design effective writing instruction and how to assess student writing.
  • ENGL 377/379: Teaching English in Secondary Schools: As a capstone, these courses integrate your English and education courses, and show you how to plan for and implement effective instruction as preparation for full-time teaching. ENGL 379, Practicum in Secondary English Teaching, will connect you with the school where you’ll complete your full-time field experience. ENGL 377/379 should be taken immediately before student teaching or interning.
  • Field experience (choose one).
    • ENGL 476: Secondary English Student Teaching
    • ENGL 496: Secondary English Teaching Internship