Planned Course Offerings, 2021-22 Skip to main content

Planned Course Offerings, 2021-22

Tentative Schedule (Subject to Change)

Fall 2021
Winter 2022
Spring 2022

ENGL 600: Introduction to Graduate Studies (Mary Eyring)
ENGL 610: Composition Pedagogy (University Writing Directors)
ENGL 612R: History of Rhetoric (Ben Crosby)
ENGL 620R: Renaissance Women (Kim Johnson)
ENGL 621R: British Romanticism, Then and Now (Nicholas Mason)
ENGL 622R: Woolf and Motherhood (Jarica Watts)
ENGL 628R: Memory, Nostalgia, and Trauma in Contemporary American Literature (Trent Hickman)
ENGL 629R: Poe and the World (Emron Esplin)
ENGL 630R: Theoretical Discourse, Environmental Humanities (Brian Roberts)
ENGL 667R: Creative Nonfiction Workshop (Pat Madden)
ENGL 668R: Fiction Workshop (Stephen Tuttle)
ENGL 669R: Poetry Workshop (Lance Larsen)

ENGL 611R: Teaching Advanced Composition (University Writing Directors)
ENGL 613R: Rhetorical Theory and Criticism (Jon Balzotti)
ENGL 616R: Research Methods in Composition (Amy Williams)
ENGL 617R: Creative Writing Theory (Pat Madden)
ENGL 620R: Seminar in British Literature before 1660: Medieval (Juliana Chapman)
ENGL 621R: Author Studies: Wrestling with Milton: Reading and Being Read by Paradise Lost (John S. Tanner)
ENGL 622R: Seminar in British Literature, 1830-Present: Victorian (Leslee Thorne-Murphy)
ENGL 626R: Witchcraft (Mary Eyring)
ENGL 629R: Contemporary African-American Literature (Kristin Matthews)
ENGL 630R: Theoretical Discourse, Cultures of Nationalism (Frank Christianson)
ENGL 645R: Special Topics in English Education (Debbie Dean)
ENGL 667R: The Personal Essay Large and Small (Joey Franklin)
ENGL 668R: Fiction Workshop (Spencer Hyde)
ENGL 669R: Poetry Workshop (Michael Lavers)
ENGL 670R: Young Adult Novel (Ann Dee Ellis)

ENGL 520R: Fairy Tales and Other Speculative Fictions: Socialization and the Search for Just Worlds (Jill Rudy)