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English Alumni Stories

47 results found
BA English
"Good writers and editors are needed in almost every industry, so find yours and make a place for yourself."
"Communication—specifically written communication—is super important, especially in reading and understanding law documents."
"I think my education prepared me most of all for navigating and appreciating so much about life. How to think critically, ask key questions, and write and read in a versatile way."
"So many people I work with are very logical thinkers, but they struggle to communicate the nuances of writing, rewriting, and editing."
"I use data to tell stories. This often requires looking outside the box, thinking critically about the subject matter at hand, and exercising a lot of creativity to shape points of data into a compelling narrative."
"This isn’t often mentioned, but writing is a HUGE part of social media. And you learn how to do it well as an English major."
"As an English major, I loved being able to see the different perspectives that you can find and how a story can be told in so many ways. I’m very grateful that I learned that as it has helped me keep an open mind and be able to work well with people of various backgrounds."
"My experience as an English major taught me to be curious and teachable, always ready to learn more and change my mind if given new data."
"Being able to read, think critically, write, and edit are the keystones to any successful position."
"I can see multiple ways a piece of text could be read and cultivate it to be as clear as possible to the reader."
"As an English major, I learned how to analyze something and ask questions. This has proved to be key for my success in my career."
"I never thought the way I was trained to write an essay would impact work. I can clearly articulate arguments and am open to different philosophies."
"I feel that being steeped in great literature and learning to identify and understand narrative arcs and complex characters can transfer into emotional intelligence, empathy, and persuasion."
"Critical thinking is highly underrated but highly valuable; it enables you to work smarter, not harder, and understand problems in a unique way. It makes you valuable."
"My English degree opened my eyes to new ways of engaging with the world, helped me find value in a wide variety of texts including books, movies, songs, and more."
"My English degree shapes the way I interact with the world around me. It is present in the way I interact with others. I treasure my English degree education."
"Practicing law is about reading and writing, analyzing texts, and creating. It's an ideal path for someone who loved the analytical and creative sides of an English degree."